In the challenging economic situation nowadays, the price of recycled polymers remained at a relatively low level compared to previous years. The low prices of virgin plastics also worsen the situa...
How do we do Recycle?
*Excellent quality design.
*High quality machine
*Increase recycling ratio
Our partners think highly of us.
We can easily provide all customer’s demands with the most effectiv...
Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, January 10 New Media Special News According to reports from the US “Medical News Today” website and the official website of the United Nations, microplastic...
Countries are thinking about how to dispose of waste plastics?
Encourage the development of technologies that make more efficient use of waste plastics.
On November 20th, the body of a whale was ru...
Thai waste ban, APL shipping company to stop the transport of waste plastic, the United States and Europe’s garbage where to go?